
02 June 2012 / Principles
Just recently I entered a discussion about getting application into the production environment. As we all know due to the silo’s and functional separation (currently in place at my job) it is challenging at a minimum. Situation: As the new features in the application near completion it must be accepted by the customer. for this purpose a PAT environment is available. So far it all looks nice. The problem is that the time between the releases is more than 4 months.
07 May 2012 / Annotations / Patterns / Java
It took me some time to get all for the annotation builder into central but it’s there. see previous article for details on usage Insert the following dependencies to your maven build: <dependency> <groupId> nl.elucidator.patterns.builder.annotations </groupId> <artifactId>builder-annotations-processor</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId> nl.elucidator.patterns.builder.annotations </groupId> <artifactId>builder-annotations</artifactId> <version>1.0.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>net.jcip</groupId> <artifactId>jcip-annotations</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> </dependency> And you can generate all your builders.
07 May 2012 / Maven
Today I was reading DZone and cam across this article “Maven the Version Number Nazi. First of all I think the word Nazi is inappropriate but that’s besides the point made by the author. True, the version numbering and using ranges in dependencies in Maven is not ideal but it’s defined and works as documented. The point of his post is that he wants to changes the build numbers to accommodate to his specific needs.
26 April 2012 / Annotations / Patterns / Java
I Think every body should know their patterns. the GoF created that book a long time ago but still not every body knows them by heart? One of the patterns that is becoming more prominent in the ever-changing world is the requirement for immutable objects grows. The definition found in the books: Defines an instance for creating an object but letting subclasses decide which class to instantiate Refers to the newly created object through a common interface Well that’s not exactly what we right?
25 April 2012 / Maven / Java / OSS / Sonatype
Ever had a project that you want to share with every body and not want them to get your source code, build and install it public repository? For quite some time there you can do this. Just visit the url: follow all the instructions and within 3 days you are up and running and publishing you own artifact in the maven public repository.  Note: When using a linux environment with github as a scm read: http://help.