Did you know...

The Maven Site plugin uses by default the apt format. Although it is a simple and straight forward format I personally prefer the Confluence markup and DocBook. Confluence I use for my personal Wiki and at various projects I use DocBook for the documentation.

Under the hood of the Maven site plugin runs the Doxia plugin. The documentation of the Site plugin is not really clear on this part. I stumbled on this some time ago.

By adding the appropriate doxia module as a dependency to the site plugin you can use the following formats:

AptAlmost Plain Textdoxia-module-apt
ConfluenceConfluence Enterprise Wikidoxia-module-confluence
Simplified DocBookSimplified DocBook XML Standarddoxia-module-docbook-simple
FMLFAQ Markup Languagedoxia-module-fml
iTextiText PDF Librarydoxia-module-itext
FO*XSL formatting objects (XSL-FO)doxia-module-fo
LaTeXLaTeX typesetting systemdoxia-module-latex
Markdown*Markdown markup languagedoxia-module-markdown
RTFMicrosoft Rich Text Formatdoxia-module-rtf
TWikiTWiki Structured Wikidoxia-module-twiki
XdocXML Documentation Formatdoxia-module-xdoc
XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Languagedoxia-module-xhtml

Adding the following code snippet to you pom allows you to use the specified markup language for you site.

          <artifactId>doxia-module-confluence</artifactId>           <version>1.1.3</version>